Understanding Veterinary ConcernsUnderstanding Veterinary Concerns

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Understanding Veterinary Concerns

After my animal started having problems with their health, I knew that I wanted to do everything in my power to make things right. I dropped everything, started focusing on making things better, and took them straight to the veterinarian. They were really helpful, and within a few hours we knew exactly what was wrong. It was really cool to see just how much better our pets were behaving after veterinary care, and I knew it was because of our attention to the little things. Check out this blog for fantastic information on veterinary concerns and overall animal wellness. You won't regret it.



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4 Signs It Is Time To Take Your Cat To The Animal Hospital

Cats by nature can be far more laid back than dogs. Consequently, it is not unusual for a cat to spend lazy days laying in the window or hiding from their owner. Furthermore, it is quite natural for cats to vomit if they ingest hair when cleaning themselves or eat something that cannot be fully digested. The problem with this is that it causes many cat owners to second guess themselves when it comes time to determine whether or not their cat is in need of emergency medical care. Taking the time to learn the signs that your cat needs to go to the animal hospital can help to ensure you are prepared to act quickly if your feline friend ever finds themselves in need of immediate medical attention.

#1: Your Cat Is Breathing Heavily Or Through Their Mouth

Cats typically breathe rather shallow and through their nose. If your cat's chest is rising and falling dramatically while breathing or if they are breathing through their mouth, this could be a sign that they are either struggling to breathe or that they are suffering from heat stroke. Both conditions will need to be addressed on an emergency basis. 

#2: Your Cat's Tongue Or Gums Are Pale Or Blue Tinted

If your cat is suffering from respiratory issues, you will often notice that their tongue or gums become pale or take on a blueish tint. This is the result of their oxygen levels dropping too low. If you ever notice this warning sign, you will want to rush your cat to the animal hospital right away. 

#3: Your Cat Is Vomiting Frequently Or Vomit Contains Blood

While it is quite natural for cats to vomit on a regular basis, they should not be vomiting multiple times in a short period of time. Furthermore, it is not normal for your cat's vomit to contain large amounts or brightly colored blood. Frequent vomiting can lead to dehydrating and may require your cat to receive IV fluids on an emergency basis. The presence of blood in your cat's vomit could also indicate internal bleeding which will require immediate treatment. 

#4: Your Cat Is Struggling To Urinate

If your cat is not urinating or appears to be in pain when trying to urinate, you will need to take them to the animal hospital immediately. This can be a sign of a very serious condition which can be fatal if treatment is not received quickly. 

For more information, contact a company like Apple Valley Animal Hospital.